Been popping pills since sat, to sustain my activities these few days. .. I seriously really need people to invent those ‘viagra’ typed pills for my strength n alertness n vibrancy OR something like Poppye [ Popeye la :) - thanks to a v smart ass ;p ] the sailorman or Gummy bears typed of super potent supplement that would help me in desperate circumstances! But that’s not what I wanna blog about laaa… ;p
My very very [ I repeat, VERY VERY ] 好姐妹 got ROM yesterday!!!…
The golden date 06-06-05… keke. She looked raaaadiant, beaaaaaming, glooooowing, glaaaaamourous, beauuuuuutiful, princess-like n all grown up~! Got a lumped in my throat when I saw her, don’t know how to start congratulating her cos words just don’t seemed enough. She’s a person that has 95% access to me [ Ya,. was super duper tired n stressed n sick yest but I just cant miss her ROM for anything ], she can call me anytime and I will fly down to be by her side! Maybe she didn’t know that so she hasn’t been abusing that privilege. Hee.. Now she has hubby beside her, I am elated & overjoyed for her.. In her ups and downs there will be someone sharing it with her. Die laaaa, getting very sentimental... [Shed a tear~]
Her ROM dinner reception was just like a little gathering for us, ex-noelians, plus a few more mutual friends alike. And the night was spiced up with very candid speeches by L of her blurness & bluntness as well as poking fun of SS; also Joy for allowing herself to be our object of teasing throughout the night. Even AC & Cyn was there! Good catch up session I must say!
Weewee will always remain a very dear friend, I think sometimes it definitely takes chemistry n fate to meet this kind of person in yr life. & I’m glad to meet her~ :) I will always see her as a simple, kindhearted and good-natured gal within, [ Guys, I feel so sad for you that she is taken up ;p ] Right now, doors has been open for her career, I really pray that she will receive all the blessings n land herself in a job that will satisfy her job fulfillment as well as financial commitments of marriage. The road ahead is long.. probably winding, but God has place someone wonderful alongside her to walk through this journey together.
Am so Looking forward to 06-06-06! NiCeeee! :)