Been rolled over by a 10 ton truck?
Dunno why always feel so blardy tired in the afternoon, though I wake up feeling fresh as a tart every morning. Time to throw out my contact lens, or my fringe, or computer!
Everything looks like a bluuuuurrrr…
The meet up with the gals was usual chatty and fun. Just a teeny bit out of steam I thought as I feel some distance between those who didn’t join as often. The group was big, so it was tough to make any decent talks. And my suggestion to wee wee was, next time such big group we go for a drink! Yea, cos its like more fun to just drink and be merry in big groups. Then make a total fool of ourselves. I will like that :) maybe im just weird.
Im so proud of myself that I cleaned and packed up my room yest, finished the half done job pending since August! Its unlike me ok, was abit out of sort since Monday night, maybe tired due to pms.. Yes, if you are not aware by now, hormones change does require burning of energy and results in lethargy. My mentality is a bit warped now.. something has drowned my senses, like im free-falling now, I know I love every moment, every bit, every pulsation of the freedom but I don’t know where I will be landing eventually. Would you catch me if I fall?
Suddenly feel a tad of emptiness, nah, not the brooding over loneliness sort.
But like im trying to look forward to the next trip overseas and I cant seemed to picture one in the next 3 months. Im like so hungry every moment of the day, gobbled down a bowl of instant noodles before I slept last night. Now im craving for tao suan..-_-
& don’t ask me what’s the relation la..
I can only give you a blank look.