Drip drip drip..
Drip drip drip..
After sore eyes come dripping nose.
These things like to come in a package.
I never say I want Buy-One-Get-One-Free wad?!
Still... 小病是福,
yesterday, I enjoyed sleeping my day away very much :)

Here's my colleague, trying to be funny, as always.
Lunch @ Macdonald's - New Healthy After Meal Snacks
Fresh apple slices [packed & air flown from USA] + the caramel dipper [LOW FAT].. tastes healthy n good!
Only $1 with every Value Meal purchase.
Else, pls pay $2.50!! for an apple? suckzz man.
other choices are, a cup of steam corn, or a bowl of salad.
Macdonald's.... I'm Loving It [You're Earning it].