Si bei pain! Stiff shoulder on my right side!.. think never sleep properly cos no World Cup to chase yesterday night. Or … fever coming up.
The guys in my office are very bad. Knowing that I have been supporting Argentina all along.. they are rooting for Germany in the Quarter finals. They scared I win their money again is it. When i walked passed their cubicles, they practically chanted 'Germany! Germany!' right behind my back!
Had a superb time catching up with Linda and wee wee yesterday. Linda was so animated when she described about yang2 during their baby scan. Yang2 practically shouted and teared when he saw the baby moving on the monitor. haha.. fatherly love! And ST joined us much later to show us the photos of the wedding night. My face looked v round again in the photos.. is my face no longer as firm as before? Scary! I might need plastic surgery soon. Else I will boycott taking photos next time. Now 9 out of 10 photos, my face is round.. and chubby looking. I scared… cos I don’t wanna look like below..

Cute, but scary lorr.