Halloween wheeze passed just like that.
Was invited to Monday night drinking with colleagues @ ICB. Terrible terrible. Getting tipsy on a Monday night is so disgusting bcos you know the tomorrow that come will be another long work day and another and another.. i think work has been very stressful these days. before my trip to Northern Thai. I must continue to grit my teeth and hang on until fri. A busy weekend, and then sunday night i will be off to Thai soil.
Don't things just happened in a flash? You waited & waited for it to come; and when it does, it is gone in a flash. I guess time is a v elusive factor. sometimes we think 10 days.. 1 mth.. 1 year is too long to bear. But when it passes by... we simply find it hard to slow it down.. or grab a hold on it. And we will be like, 'huh, over already meh?'
I wanna collect ‘Snow globes’.. you know the glass thing that contains water and pretty miniature stuff inside, when you shake it, it will be ‘snowing’ in that place? It nice to come with music & light. I haven’t seen one that comes with light though. So for my coming birthday, please give me this useless thing. Watching "My Girl" has made it so memorable for me. Sometimes we tell lies.. to protect another person. She told a great great lie in the end.. to make sure the male lead forget about her & returns back to his life. But know what? Everyone isn’t fooled.. they clearly see her true love for him when she told the lies.
The show is all about lies & how to tell lies well! I find that pretty insightful.. and like a breeze of fresh air. Haha. Lies if told in good intention, is good?
I’m still trying to figure that out. Pout.