Dilated pupils.
Still dilated after 16 hours! I think my eye muscles are so freaking weak. I can only type this in very big fonts, and then transfer to my blog.
LASIK Evaluation Tests:
I rushed down to LASIK surgery Clinic @ Paragon Medical Floor, and was 10 mins late. Typical. The nurses were very friendly, trendy & PRETTY, most of them has LASIK done and were life testimonials of the results. After filling in the ‘Personal details & How did you get to know us survey’, I was given a form to read about the effects of dilation eye drops. Soon, I was ushered to another reception area where there were already a few people waiting for their tests. I was already prepared for the long wait. Hmm.. surprisingly time passes really fast, I didn’t find the 2.5 hours spend there long at all, probably I was kept really busy there and the wait in between tests was kept to a minimum.
The first test that I did was the standard one you do at optician. You rest your chin and stare onto a spot in the machine, and they will automatically bring the object to focus and take your degrees.
The second test was to stare at a blinking red light, & the machine will blow puffs of air into your eyes. You cannot blink cos its important to know whether your cornea can take the air pressure. The nurse was nice. She allowed me to close my eyes first and test the pressure on my lids so I would know what to expect. Still I got a slight shocked when the air puff into my cornea and I had to retake.. keke
Thereafter my specs was taken to test its degree and astig.
Went out to wait.. and they called my name again to do a 3rd test on the thickness of my cornea. Its another chin-rest machine, and you have to stare at a red light… not blinking for 5 seconds; one eye at a time. There will be a bright yellow light flashing across your eyes.. to take the measurement of your cornea. Its kinda cool.
The 4th one was the typical optician tests where you sit on the high chair and read letters/numbers off a projector screen. The lady was nice and commented that my specs was very nice.. keke. I made small talk with her and the test passed pretty fast. The degree she took was the same as my specs. Which is good, it means my degree has stablised.
Back to the waiting area.. and I was finally being put the dilating eye drops.. sobz. My eyes felt numbed at first.. there after got used to it. I was ushered to a room, where I was being shown a video on lasik, the procedures, possible side effects, etc. my pupils are getting dilated very fast.. I guess I have weak eye muscles. The effect was that I cant read anything [its like long-sighted effect]! Afterwhich, a pretty nurse, Ava, sat me down and briefed me about LASIK.. the after care procedures etc. I bombed her some questions, and she was able to answer professionally. Finally, I made payment for the evaluation tests, it came up to $105. One of the cheapest in town. Then Ava asked if I would like to book my surgery & review dates. So well, I will be going for LASIK on 25th Jan, Thursday. I figured that I will take 2 days MC, and have good rest during the weekends. Good planning right!
Oh, then that’s not the end. I had to do another optician chart test again, to test if after dilations, the degrees n astig remain the same. yes, it was ok. Then, I went back to the waiting area, quite soon after I was being called to see the senior surgeon, Dr Marc Tay. He was nice and friendly, he did a couple quick eye test again.. with very glaring lights of a machine :s my eyes was really uncomfy. But the best thing that came from his lips were, ‘You are very suitable for LASIK, no eye disease or any other complications. So I shoot him all the questions that I was dying to ask, comparing TTSH v LSC, the laser technology of LSC, aftercare of LASIK surgery etc.. hehe.. he say, wah, I am well-informed in my research. The main gist of his answers were, its like comparing a BMW to a Merz..
For wavefront verses standard LASIK – It depends if you are looking for nano perfections in the results.
Ok ok, im getting to the end. Phew. After thanking the doctor, I was being ushered to payment counter and surgery fees were explained to me. Paid a deposit of $210. and ya, see me next Thursday there!
P/s: the aftereffects of dilation: went for dinner and I cant read food menus, went for a drink and I cant read drink menus, went for a show and luckily I can read the subtitles cos its far away! But it was very straining on my eyes as it’s a spanish flim –Pan’ Laybrinth and I have to read the subtitles throughout. Thanks for your company though I wasn’t a good one yesterday.
Labels: LASIK 2007