Cant believed another week flew by… cant believed its already Friday.
Thinking of revamping my
messy room. Might pop down to Ikea tomorrow to get a new storage for all my junks. The Ikea people are the best in saving Storage space ma, I had that impression from the ‘东西在哪里? 快拿出来!’ advertisement.
hahaha~ LOUSY but FUNNY!
Work is very much on the fast pace now. And Friday nights are really precious to me. Dunno why its as easy to get high on a Friday, as it is equally easy to be restless and depressed.
Still, I wish they will stay forever, or at least, don’t fly by so fast. Please?
Promised the pictures for you didn’t I? These are pretty lame compared to my Bali ones.. but no digicam mah. Bo bian one.

There is a nudging in my heart that is weighing me down.
I feel very sad leh but i cant show it.
Why for 2 fridays in a row, i felt sad already?
Can somebody tell me?
Maybe i deserved it.