alot of things have been happening in my personal life
i just havent really think about how to blog them
these series of photos are ones that i have taken
when i went to relaz at lower pierce reservior one evening
i cant even remember when.. haha.
it was a long drive there...
till me, aka the driver almost got very pissed
but that will be another story ;p
we went up Upper pierce initially.. and it was more secluded..
with lotsa monkeys.. out in the middle of the road
i had to honk at them loudly before they move out of the way.
some others, just refused to bulge.
i swerved & turn trying not to hit those asshead monkeys..
but i dont like secluded place
they dont give me a sense of security
we decided to try lower pierce instead
and true enough
its a great spot for family, and relaxation
sitting there... looking at the sun setting
life never felt so calm.
or does it?
Hip Hop class yest was kinda fun~
i learnt the moves.. and its like those jolin or cyndi or energy
type of MTV moves... keke
My Instructor [he is 33 and still look 28 kind] joked that he will
video cam all of us and make into an MTV.
i was thinkin MTV bloopers! more like it right?
cos he was laughing at some of the wrong moves.
enjoying himself sial...
groovy baby~
I had alot of fun yest.. though its just dinner.
Playful me suggested playing '5-10' to finish up the food
and you improvise on the game.. haa.
Too bad.. i won 80% of the time~
i think i laughed so much that the next table was wondering
if my 100 plus drink is intoxicated with alcohol~!
hiakz ;p
You must take care ok, come back in one piece pls.