You know how like people do Christmas gift exchange, especially in the office?
Don’t be fooled ok. You really have to know the technique of playing this game.
There are a few rules to play by..
Firstly, get everyone to write a wish list! It works great, at least you don’t have to crack your brains to buy things that will be left on the shelf till next Christmas to be given away.
Commonly known as recycled gifts.
Remember to attach a card to the pressie. It just shows you are very 细心, and it personalizes the present. Many brownies points for that!
Lastly and most importantly, exclaimed very loudly
[at this moment, insert in appropriate facial expression such as
gasping with your mouth open] that you really like the gift you are getting!
Even if it is just a 3 for $10 underwear from pasar malam!
Then, while you Ha La with everyone.. remember
to keep showing the gift off and make sure everyone knows
how appreciative you are. Make the sender feel great also ma.
Christmas is about being happy!
My wish? A white christmas next year...
ok, santa? :)