Its like l have been dreaming..
the really memorable feelings from the Mae Sot trip are now reduced to flashes.. like snippets across my mind. How can human mind be so forgetful?
No matter how great the experiences are.. you just cant retain it.. in your heart, there is this longing of wanting to go back. But you know, you cant.
All the trips I have taken before laid bare before me.. and choosy as I am, I pick this mission trip, the least luxurious of all, the least wowed about place, and the least desired company - going with strangers. This trip is everything to me, and second to none. The lives I have came across, the child in my arms, the unfamiliar hands I held so firmly, the dusty roads, the wide fields, the road trips, the laughter, the language barrier.. it all means something to me.
I don’t know when will I have another chance to experience this once in a lifetime breakthrough. This trip that blessed me so much, nourished my heart; my soul. What is my calling God? I think it has always belong upfront on the battlefield.
Start to love the normadic life.. just like a lalang in the wind. Time just fly pass, and before you know it, we are all growing old. Older and wiser, older and more joyful. Thats who i wanna be.
Love Divine;
Joy unspeakable;
Overflowing in my soul...