Nada Sou Sou.
Think i will just buy vcd to watch for this one..
ya, dont like sappy love stories anymore.
especially the ones that made me depressed instead of making me weep.
anOther farewell lunch todae.
Bye Bye Rene, may all be fine with you, in your entrepreneurship. :)
thanks for the friendship and lunches that we had.
Yesterday i met a potential financial planner. He is quite alright,
and i think doing financial planning at the right age really will help us to
become millionaire in 30 years time. No kidding.
He did tell me confidently.. but i dunno how much capital is he talking about here?
haha.. anyhow, start on the right step is important.
i better stop my own speculations of unit trusts [though im not losing any money yet]
and entrusts my $$ to him. His charges are pretty reasonable & promised to provide
a comprehensive financial planning proposal for me.
The fact that he is also a christian sets me heart at ease.
1. He wont swindle my money
2. He wont only think of moeny, above integrity
Anyway, investing is about not losing money!
Yesterday i also went to this salsa club.. what an eye opener..
the very place that a nerd can find his own paradise and gets to dance
and touched intimately [in the name of salsa] thOse pretty, tall, lanky gals..
this is heaven to them. sOrry man, maybe im toO frank..
i jUst dont fancy strangers [especially geeky looking nerds w lusty smile] with their hands all Over me.
Yes, dancing is OKAY.
But nOt sitting on a stranger guy's hips.. and him swaying while his hip is rubbing my inner thighs? NO WAY. [by the way, thats another form of latin dance call bacruda? or something along that line. NOt that i bothered.
Anyway, it was fun to watch them dance 'Radar' [made of many dancing couples]
where one guy will be shouting the 'salsa steps' command, and everyone follows the dance step.
also gets to exchange partners in progress. that looks like fun & its the most
entertaining dance of the night.
yeah, god bless my soul.
Labels: Friends, Rants, wOrk