just got baCk from KL/Genting highlands.
another holiday gone! I did enjoy those relaxing and simply lazing around 3 days.
anyhow, genting was a tad too crowded for my liking.. yeah, i still prefer
walking around crowdless beach, musums, side walk cafes.. in a cool weather.
Sis and i went on a shopping spree and too bad, she lost even more $ at the casino. hahaz.
she was grumbling all the way...
i practically slept throughout the travelling time..
sUffered minor motion sickness n it was just great to pull at stops for munchies, drinks.
We ate practically non-stop throughout the whole road trip!
Have always enjoyed the Famous Amos and Baskin & Robbins ice cream there.
even visited the Ripley's Believe or not museum... haha quite crap but then pretty informative
and it was an eye opener indeed!
i bumped into a few khakis at Genting, i guess, everyone is heading there for
a short break over the holidays.

the most enjoyable time.. was having late night hot chocolate @ coffee bean, in the alfresco.
the talk was soothing.. and thanks for jUst being there.
Life seemed much simpler now :)