so the king asked me,
"Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill?
This can be nothing but sadness of heart."

Went to this pretty nice and affordable resturant along Purvis Street.
The potato salad is a must try and its presentation is really nice!
I had the ribeye steak which is delicious... I WLD SAY 3.8/5
VERY VALUE for money as the ambience is of fine dining.
The bottle of premium wine only costs $36. Had a good time chilling.
On 4 sunday Mornings, i went to take care of the kids at sunday school
i know, i know.. its very unlike me.
they are aged 3 to 6. so we call them Hope tots 2.

As you can see from little melvin's face.. some of them are stil quite blur when they come for the classes.. and some can be cranky as well. Melvin is a pair of twins.. and his little bro is so damn cute. I made friends with the gals pretty fast and started chit chatting with them about barbie dolls + winz club and showed them my heartshaped necklace which they adOre. yeah, being able to speak their language is very important i learnt!
We had the real naughty ones.. like the one in red below.. he likes to call people names, including stupid, da bian, and i often scold him. i think he is looking for attention all the time. this is game playing time where the gals are pit against the boys... and gals are always more organised and always win them hands down! gal power.

yes.. you can guess as much. in the end i was dog tired after 2 hours of looking after them.. and you can pretty imagine me lying motionlessly on the floor as well!

Labels: Church, Drifts, Food