phEw... tOday's migraine alMost killed me. Severe pain like nobody's business since last night.. felt my nerves carving & twisting in my brain like the major nicoll highway collapsing a second time! so... guess what?! lunchtime I went for a shOrt nap at hOme AGAIN... yeah~ alright, can see your eyes popping OUt and jaws drOpping. DONT ENVY.. it is one of the seven deadly sins.. LOL! ~crap~
feeling a sense of acheivement as i cleared most of the pending work stuff.. am amazed by my exceeding good productivity despite the migraine handicapped. GUess i performed best when under pressure. will hv a good sleep toNight, stress free! & the best news is that it has started rainin and my pain will be over very sOon!! p/s: for the benefit of those who duNno... my migraine is caused by weather changed.. yes, im a walking weather forecast station.