Sadzz.. all the good lookers for male superstar contestants are gOne..
I rushed home at 1130pm yesterday nite to see the weichong got booted out..
Though I have never hear him sang before [where have I been??] I thought he has the superstar look leh. Then the M1 who looked like my friend went in instead, he looked like Richie Yen.. and whoever looks like Richie Yen will not go far. *Chuckles*
This is my all time favourite look in a guy, he is so cool!
Don’t you think my Cool till can die friend looks like the Chinese version of Braddy in ‘Seven’? Does Cool till can die friend have the super star look? Cool till can die friend can play the guitar but Cool till can die friend cant sing…except mimicking Andy Lau, [and Andy Lau cant sing!].. too badz.

This cool till can die guy has lotsa tattoos hidden under his clothes, I only caught a glimpsed of the devil wings on his back. Im usually not easily impressed but Cool till can die friend never fail to surprise me.
Anywayz... im kinda having friday phobia these 3 weeks..
things seemed to go all wrong though i look so in anticipation for weekends.
Erm.. can it get better pls? I promised not to listen to sad songs if it does.
Angel is nowhere to be found again..
im quite good at acting strong, i realised.
why do i always think that im so unfailable?
im so wrong!
So Blardy wrong..