harlo, just came back from a function.Had coffee with the SOM(Sales Op Manager) of Canon S"pore.Nothing much..dun think i am keen to work for him.Many reasons..etc.But still keeping my options open.Maybe i am still half hearted and perhaps i still wanna work in the banking industry...dunno..kinda confuse now..but will update u.
after coffee.. my frd called me to join him at a function at Marina buffet etc..its a joint function hosted by Translink.(one of the big firms in the exhibition industry.Well after much persuasion i went with him.Ok la..met some pple from their industry..exhibition and events who and who..etc.Buffet not too bad(or perhaps i was hungry!hahha)
last night kelly(F5) got thru to the superstars happy..hahah.
i didnt know my mum also watch it.She went into her room and i ask her,"u sleeping ardly?"she said,"no la goin in to watch the results..which one u like?i said only kelly!hahahah
duno y..just got home feel kinda down..maybe because i rest too mind tend to wander i just tot of emailing u..i understand myself..if i dun start work soon..i will go paranoid strain is another thing..mind uncontrollable is what i am worried about...
listening to Wang Jie now..Yi Chang You Xi Yi Chang Mong...its still the best tunes when u feel "Chang Shang"..haha...i rem when i heard this song..i was like 13,14yrs old..and with my frds..took a bus with my guitar and went all the way to Punggol Jetty(at that time it was not accessible and modern like now)but it was very guitar,sing song at the jetty..theres no one except me and my frds...simply worries whatsoever..just happy to be there...enjoy the cool breeze....look at the sea and
times have changed..time have passed...time flies..maybe aquarius love to look at the past..every song represents a certain passage in my will bring back the times i just wish i am alone in another unfamiliar country..or place..maybe i need a short holiday...i dunno..but perhaps i just feel very suffocating here at times..but of cos there are important pple in my life
u know something...keep it to yourself k.To be honest,i feel that i ve sinned..i feel like i am a sinner...when i meet u,i try to be cheerful..its not that i am faking it..but of cos i am happy to see u thats why i am happy too.But i try at all times to be cheerful..cos to me..i always ask myself..,"how many times can i meet u...every single chance i meet u..i will cherish it and ensure its a happy one.."-(i am ok..just feel like typing everything kept in me.I am ok)
at times at night i often take long drive...just sometime to be see..many things in life can be certain things u cant.Ya..strictly cant."What u have lost..u can never have it back again"-This is always on my it someone u lost or things u have lost etc...its generally speaking..Thats why i learnt the very hard way of cherishing what i have..i am not perfect but at times i cant control and things get outta hand..i lose all that i have...
pple or not so close frds come to know me and think that i am a very "rugged" person when it comes to dealing with disappointment etc..but they are all wrong...appearance and the real deal here is not quite the same..
in my life ..i contemplated about suicide once(u know?)..ya..just keep it to yourself...i made a huge U-turn.Regain my footing..gritting my teeth and carry on the march in was not that time..i just tot of ending in all..once and for all..but my parents came to my mind..that basically held me back.(pls dun probe on this when u see me next time k?thanks)(ur someone close and i just feel comfy in letting u know)
hahaha....i feel so much better now...feel much much better.Just felt hard to breathe awhile ago..hey..thanks for reading.Dun wori i am ok..haha..its just one of those days that u know..when u feel down..etc.But i am good now..yup...feel much lighter now...hahahaha..
try to build up your health and drink lotsa water k.For me,i try not to puff so much.a healthy life is the most important.Thanks for reading.hahah..catch up with u soon aite?hahah..take care>>
>>> im touched. beyond words at the moment~