the sun is out todae again.. i love blue skies
but i love the cool & gloom feel of rainy daes
contradictiOn again.
playing furiously with my ipod nano these nights
can store lyrics one you know?
then when the song is playing you can scroll the lyrics along
also can store photos.. to view as slide show.
didnt know MP3 player can be so cool these dayz..
but i think im in love with the click wheel the most
its so cool.. im starting to think that 2G might not be enough le.
that aside, i am thinking of pursuing a dream i had since a long time ago
the dream that is dead n buried within me.
*still thinking*what does being in love comprise of?
probably feeling miserable counts too? heh.
for now, its just me and my baileys.
~四面楚歌, Jay