SeEking my Polaris
Saw a cat puking yesterday..
its funny cos I have never seen cats puked before.
I thought its gonna die or something cos milky stuff are
coming out from its mouth
Then after that, a greenish stick of veggie lookalike stuff came out.
I started to realized that the cat was choked on it.
It appear ok after puking that green stuff out.
Vegetarian cat? Not in your nine lifes.
Oh, and Happy Lunar New Year to you and myself.
Stuff yourself with goodies and spend your holidays like a slacker.
im soooo looking forward to the long holiday comin up.
1 whole blardy week OFF work :)
envy me pls.
Popped down to wala wala yesterday..
wanted to catch the live band with a few drinks & wings plus have a mini pre birthday celebration for my friend. It was nothing unusual.. until the lead singer,
i used to admire his talents.
this very cool guy with cool hairstyle but his goatee is getting too bushy now,
somehow it reminded me of the Osama guy.
Ok, where was I?
Ya, he actually discouraged people to go down to Balaclarva!
Bullshite ok… that’s like stooping so low.
He spent a good 5 mins, talking about their fabulous band playing over the weekends.
I mean, I have seen their top band played before I admit they are of standard,
but I have also seen Bala’s live band in action and they are really pro & polite dudes.
Not some laid back lads trying to kick ass by pretending to be punks.
Yup.. the very cold joke about your drummer playing with 3 sticks..
With 1 hidden underneath his pants & the last he checked, it was lying on the floor..
it really sucked man...
Com’on. I really dunno which part should I cue my laughter in huh?
Erm.. I would still go to wala to enjoy the music n drink n wings..
but I’m sorry to say, from now on, you are just another lead vocal of a live band now.
No second glances from me anymore. 内涵 is very important lah.
Met geri there… hehe.. its her first day of work and she went drinking liao..
I teased her that she will surely be late for work on her second day!
if i remembered correctly, she stay in Pasir Ris?!
Saw her new squeeze there as well… and her famous grin that says
‘i’m not sure what you guys are talking about here.. but I will laugh along anyway’
That’s very Geri. ;p
I drove home after that.. and the speed demon getting to me again.
It always worked wonders for me.
My head is clearer..
& after sending my friends home, I sent an sms to someone at 1 plus am.
I guess its one of those nights that
you need to talk to someone that you'd like to talk to.
Glad we are talking now.
Today is not a shitty day la, my friend :)
Either I can continue to lament about my ‘falling-into-the-pits’
or I can snap out of it.
Being a scorpio, of cos I choose the latter.
There are things in life that I want to focus on.
Such as Honesty and Love at this point in time.
And at this age, I do realized that both of them don’t always come hand in hand.
Sometimes we care about a person too much to want to be honest with them.
Im sorry that I was never good enough with handling relationships.
Unfit to make everything last.
Unfit to carry the sweetness throughout the whole journey.
I will try to be less anal.
Simplicity – for 2006.
This love has taken it toil on meshe say goodbye too many times beforeHer heart is breaking infront of mecos i wont say goodbye anymore...~Maroon 5, This Love.
if that wasnt friday the 13th... i dunno wad to think.
i lost my blardy samsung phone that night [insert lotsa vulgarities here!!!]
in a moment of blurness;
i waved goodbye to my 6 months old 宝贝.
i hope the person who got my HP is really in need of one;
else i hope his or her ass will burnt.
To make things worst,
had terrible menses cramp yesterday.. after i arrived at church.
ya, i grit my teeth through the church service and
i cant go home immediately after cos i need to have my lunch
else i dunno if i will faint kinda scenario.
You ever went through the feeling of
stomach being hungry and having cramp at the same time?!
its damn yucky okay.
Last night, i had a terrible terrible dream...
Nothing can describe my sadness now
Pardon me. i gotta go.
Hope i'll be back stronger.
cosmic what?
the last that i checked.. my desktop calendar
my HP calendar, my computers date..
today isnt freaking Friday the Thirteenth!
so why the hell am i stuck in this shIte?
the whole load of cosmic optimism shiTe is getting to me
everthing happens for a reason?
my foot.
i wanna get out of this messy situation.
dont wanna hurt myself anymore
huh huH!
some body give me some sanity please.
some body kill me please.
is it an optimism with scars..
because we are in a fallen world.
谁说了谎 谁找了理由来掩饰
谁关了门 谁不想却开始自私
谁聊了话 谁说了分手两个字
谁不甘心 谁甩了把仗先停止
谁需要谁给谁解释 谁需要谁叫谁名字
请别装作若无其事 请你停止
谁需要谁给谁解释 谁需要谁爱谁一次
请别装作满脸理智 请你停止
我需要你给我解释 我需要你叫谁名字
我不想装若无其事 请你停止
我需要你给我解释 我需要你爱我一次
我不想装满脸理智 请你停止
> New song by 吴克群.. must say his lyrics are all pretty
meaningful. like this song, it walks about a couple having cold war
and possibly have broken off.
when 2 person pretended that they dont care anymore.
in actual fact.. the opposite is true.
theres too much to let go..
p/s: 2G isnt enough... im starting to delete songs from my ipod nano already
kinda sadzz! all thanks to my MP3 frn.. who dunno download all these new albums from where.
wishy washy
Sometimes violence does help to solve a problem.
If every one is simply wishy washy about things
I would rather go bang my head against the wall and die
I’m not talking about violence-violence per say
But someone gotta put their foot down once in a while
And say, its NOT okay.
Learn to say NO.
If you wanna be wishy washy
Go be a mop in your next life.
Dun let go
Thunder booming in the background again.
Looks like I will have some good rainy days to accompany me :)
Days I love.
Yesterday specially went Ginza Plaza to check out a supposedly good
Japanese restaurant that provides nice food.
Erm… disappointed leh.
Sashimi was sliced too thick… eat already abit gagging..
Chicken has the frozen smell… I can detect this kind of shite like a sensor
Don’t ask me why, I was just born with it.
The grilled fish? Tender but blend on the inside..
Seemed like the marination needs some improvement.
I threw away that ‘card-that-allows-you-to-gather-stamps-to-exchange-for-something’
the moment I’m home. ;p
don’t think I will patronize there again but.. heh
might jus pop over to their fish mart next store to grab some really nice and fresh sashimi
pretty cheap for home consumption I heard.
But playing pool was good.. and I won on 3-2 by chance :)
Did I mention that I like poking those balls around before?
Its sort of relaxes me.
I don’t strategized too much and when I get a difficult shot in
Im over the moon; or rainbow; or whatever
Hmm... someone said something that left me stoned for a while today.
When asked ‘why do you like the person?’
The reply that came was
‘it’s the feeling I get when I’m with the person.
It’s the me that I like when I’m with the person.’
Wow… if you have met
love, treasure it.
Yes, I’m a procrastinator.
So what?
I figured a lot of times in my life,
I couldn’t make decisions
Do you have the feeling that at times you need to move on in life
Then realized that after some months, some years, you are still stuck in the same rut?
Welcome to the club of procrastinators.
That day I went to pee, and I actually thought of something that I
wanna update for my blog.
And when I came out of the loo
The thought vanished as quickly as it came
I forgot.
Hahaha… that explains the lack of updates
[Excuses! Excuses!]
I was suddenly reminded that hundreds of thousands of my brain cells are
dead after the CT scan previous year.
Warning: do not go for CT headscan if you already have a failing memory
It will make you senile.
Friday: slept at 4:30am, went drinking then late night ktv sessions then supper
Saturday: slept at 4:30am, went bugis then had steamboat the CAN CAFE then supper
[Met zol zol @ bugis.. what a small world neh! She is still vibrant and she promised
To be back with more of her nonsense [read: hilarious, standup comedian acts!]
Not that anyone care what time I hit the sack.
Not that I have a special liking for this time slot
My timing is just screwed
Supper didn’t do any good for me either… I am still skinny as shite.
Hello rainy day.
The rain has not stopped for the whole day.
woah.. i was caught in the rain many times this week.
still, it has never taught me to bring an umbrella with me
maybe i dont believe in just in cases
i was just entertaining this thought that probably out of the
thousands of blogs in singapore, more than 50% would be mentioning
about this rain. This phenomenon.
this rain, is becoming the talk of the town.
im just so deep into my lazing during these rainy days.
Spent almost an entire day accompanying my sis on sat
for her gown choosing and fitting for her big day in May.
Sis looked v elegant in the gowns, just like a princess ;)
We were dead shag by the time she finally changed into her 'mortal self'
and make the next appointment with the wedding planner.
its a guy.. haha. i thought he looks a tad too punkish to be a wedding planner
but heh, he was more patient than alot of guys that i have seen
i kept asking my sister whether he is gay
bcos in my opinion, 95.5% of guys who likes pretty, girly stuff,
are most likely a broken wrist.
Anyhow, am looking so forward to the break tomorrow.
January is a happy month.
Many Holidays :)
Felt like i didnt really recover from the holiday mood since Christmas!
The rain, just wont go away.
but it didnt dampen my spirit in anyway.
Happy Rainy Days to you.
黑夜 一定是因為
What would I like to do on a Friday night?
Having a cuppa
Chilling out
Catching a movie
Making myself drunk
Holding Hands
Sleeping late
Actually anything on a Friday night seems perfect.
Everything just happily fall into place.
Fridays are unlike any other days. Fridays make me fly.
heh… I really didn’t know.
What does it feel like to like someone the moment you set your eyes on him/her?
Must be an earth shaking experience
Or was it just a sudden jab in your heart that you feel
Exactly like when the cupid arrow’s strike
一见钟情, what does it feel like?
Yesterday I was abit lost.
I came to office and realized I forgot to switch off my desktop radio
since the previous day. So obviously, the thing died on me.
Ya, it ran on self-bought batteries, it is not consuming company’s electricity.
& it felt worst when I didn’t have breakfast cos I was really really running very late.
like 45 minutes late!
& an appointment was cancelled last minute the previous night.
& the skies were gloomy all over. Sigh. I felt a tad lousy.
Today I found spare batteries in my work desk drawer.
Don’t ask me why I didn’t search for batteries yesterday. Beats me.
Yeah! I have music again. Music is important to me. It gets me going.
I had breakfast.. plus hot Milo.
You know how Milo has the-never-fails-to-perk-you-up effect.
Got the MP3s that I wanted from my friend.
And something special that someone told me.
Plus I was only abit late this morning. Like 30 mins.. not very late.
Welcome to a
brand new day. :)
Taipei 101

Taipei 101... damn nice.
they should do fireworks like this all year round.

SONY... damn rich. Sponsored one... no wonder so nice.
when are they sponsoring our Swiss'otel?
Fireworks, i love.
And no, they dont looked like screensavers.
Tis the day to celebrate
I am glad to usher in the new year.
Its such a contradiction to Christmas.
Christmas sucks, New year rocks.
Eve was spent onboard a cruise.. after a so-so buffet dinner
everyone was jus eagerly waiting for the countdown to happen.
There was a mobile disco and when we are preparing for the countdown
The fire works started!
Everyone rushed out to the deck and gushed over the pretty fiery streaks of lights
so, not much of a countdown anyway.. BUT
We saw fireworks from Sentosa, HarbourFront and Esplanade
It was the first time that I get to see so many fireworks at one go
It was a memorable start to a new year.
On New Year day itself,
we had a relatives gathering and we had our ten course dinner till 10 plus.
Imagine our 12 tables making even more noise and more happening than
the wedding banquet that was going on at the same time?
Ya.. poor young couple have to endure with us. Haa… cousins were a bunch of fun.. we take turns making the ROM cousin drank & drank.
Red wine + beer + Martell. Make him lie flat! hahazz..
Then we also had a surprise cake-cutting ceremony for our first uncle
I think he is about 75 now? Still fit and strong though.
And he was really v happy when we propose a toast to him.
All 12 tables of relatives were standing up cheering & singing birthday song for him.
Daddy comment that this kind of scenario, the heart sure touched until can cry
After that, sisters, BIL and I brought our folks to chill out at The Villa Bali.
It was a great night out for all.
We finished a bottle of white, plus cocktails and coffee.
We still ordered wings and wedges though we just had dinner!
The ambience was full of greenery and nature w jungle music
Frogs jumping about that gave us a scare & crickets cricking
Great for friends to hangout~ :)
I figured that.. I really have people around me who love me a lot
I must try to discover my own self worth
And be happy
I figured that.. I can take things in my own stride
Emotionally i know i'm much stronger now
Happy 2006!