Yesterday I was abit lost.
I came to office and realized I forgot to switch off my desktop radio
since the previous day. So obviously, the thing died on me.
Ya, it ran on self-bought batteries, it is not consuming company’s electricity.
& it felt worst when I didn’t have breakfast cos I was really really running very late.
like 45 minutes late!
& an appointment was cancelled last minute the previous night.
& the skies were gloomy all over. Sigh. I felt a tad lousy.
Today I found spare batteries in my work desk drawer.
Don’t ask me why I didn’t search for batteries yesterday. Beats me.
Yeah! I have music again. Music is important to me. It gets me going.
I had breakfast.. plus hot Milo.
You know how Milo has the-never-fails-to-perk-you-up effect.
Got the MP3s that I wanted from my friend.
And something special that someone told me.
Plus I was only abit late this morning. Like 30 mins.. not very late.
Welcome to a
brand new day. :)