Yesterday did you watch Superband?
Im sorry but I totally cannot stand the Zhou Chong Qing visual rock looks. Com’on! The skin head guy is being too kind to him to call him a Dracular… at least Draculars have style lor.. and they are cool! ZCQ is just piling on vampire make up with a messy witch hairstyle or a mop? Maybe he cant decide between the both. Last week, i remember he had this crazy, fizzy alfro hairstyle on. None whatsoever is appealing cos he cannot carry it. Lucify's make up is much better than him, and i think they dont hv make-up artist?
Pls check out my favourite [all time] visual rock band
XJapanI used to love them to the core. And its more than 6 yrs back? The visual rock is not a new thing, it has vintage. So hor, dont simply jump onto the bandwagon to look fad, Mr DJ.