why do i always feel like walking away whenever there is a quarrel..
but i wil be better :)
nothing can get me down;
if its not a matter of life & death,
let it go.
.. i miss the times when we are young, innocent;
i miss listening to guitar playing, and going all the way to east coast for crabs,
miss walking in the rain with you by my side; miss crying cos i'm homesick in perth;
miss looking at the stars when im down, simple life, but i had so much more.
life, can only get better.
Labels: Drifts, Love, ToUgh Life
Been thinking abt this. i havent been really diligent about keeping this blog.
probably there are many things that i cant share openly [like how Angel spied on me].
but mostly a lack of time..
i would therefore use this as a bi-monthy & emergency blog.
bi-monthly to keep track of the happenings in my life;
emergency when i feel like exploding within, this is where i wil turn to :)
i stil love to write whenever the inspiration comes.
so i wil not be calling it quits.
Lookking thru my resolutions for 2007 below...
geez, didnt accomplish somebut for the more important ones, YES!
Let me take stock...."
1. Learn to play the keyboard well.
[stil struggling w guitar, and i tell myself, i MUST sign up for keyboard this year!]
2. Love the enemies. Forgive people who take me for granted/hurt/disappoint me time and again.[hmm.. cant really remember whether i was bitterly hurt or disappointed, is that supposed to be a good sign? but yah, i guess in some way or another, hv learnt to let go a far bit. esp in work, ministry, family.. when conflict arises.. i want to choose to forgive n forget]
3. Exercise, like to climb the stairs n do crunches at night.
[A resounding YES! climb stairs, went for a quarter of ABT, and yeah i have signed up for a brand new session.. enjoying myself with better health, spirit]
[Done! and i went for a 2nd wavefront ops for my left eye to get rid of residual astigmaism. not as bad as i thought. God & CG has seen me through for this one, thankie!]
5. Travel - Korea
[pass on tis, this year hopefully? :)]
6. Another Mission trip?
[no chance, hope we can org something this year]
7. Mentoring someone in church
[Hehe.. yes, God has sent me an angelic sheepy, Joycey chia. it was definitely divine our paths crossed years ago at GMX, & again last year @ Plaza Sg, definitely. Love ya. Finally overcome my fear of being a shepherd by God's grace. She has been through holy spirit bap, water bap, and is officially a member of Hope Sg now, by god's grace. Pray that God wil oversee this relationship and uphold the both of us. ]
8. Stay above circumstances and overcome them. [tOugh]
Angel has slip disc relaspe
Irene passing away from Cancer in a span of 5 mths
Work life stagnancy
Dry patch in spiritual walk, compromising on devotion time that is a slow poison
Family situations that overwhelms @ times
Relationship struggle. Learning about trust Etc.
God is sovereign, and amidst all, He has been there for me, carrying me through.
I cant express how grateful I am that I am holding on to His love,
without which,life would be meaningless.
9. Breakthrough in my work"
[I wanna see this one coming to pass this year, hopefully by March]
10. Do weekly reflections.
[Journal is nicely done :)]
thats my report card. haha.. more personal resolutions this year, and see
if i can keep them :)
Am so looking forward to Jay over the weekends.
thanks kind soul.
Labels: Drifts