Saturday had a good leisure drive down to Changi, it was near Changi village for noel peeps gathering organized by soo (nearly lost my freaking way but the usual can-react-immed-on-alert-mode me swerve into the correct lane just almost missing a Nissan Cefiro by an inch!). It happened to be his birthday too.. heh.. 27 liao right? Still wanna bluff people that he is under 25 in his blog. I despise you!

Noticed that my hair is jet black with a fringe now? well.. everything is back to the basic for me. Hair, clothes, accessories, the way i carry myself.. Jet black hair makes me fairer i think, many friends commented that i seemed to turn fairer after my high fever.. haa, but they didnt know the secret of having jet black hair.
okayyy... where was i?
We went to Barks beer garden (near Changi Prison, how exciting!) to have a simple dinner and cake cutting ceremony.. most of us were there and Ryan also came down which was a surprised! It was good to see everyone and as usual im not too close with the new people but they are good sport and maid was her usual cranky self, making a fool of herself by complaining about the blading incident earlier. While some had to leave earlier.. the rest of of us headed back to the Hotel. I cant imagine 5 person cramming into the back of my dad’s car.. and the ride was quite far too. I didn’t try anything mean like swerving hard during corner that would hv sent them flying on top of one another.. *chuckles
We went to visit the infamous ‘toilet’ in the hotel room as described by Soo. Ok la.. though can see through but he got nothing to lose what, he is a guy! Soon, we decided to explore the area & we headed down to Changi beach [to feed mosquitoes] I tried to start a spew of ghost stories but was interrupted by Zol who had a faint heart. [sorray.. though I really cant connect zol with a faint heart ;p]
I nearly got the shocked of my life when soo mentioned publicly that I hv a blog. And he commented that I can give my address to others, how can?? I think I just blogged about my opinions about someone’s blog not long before I remember.. not anything bad about her but just wanna have the freedom of speech here.. ok soo! Pls be more alert la. Make me so difficult to come down the stage on the spot. *chuckles
This weekend will be another gathering with my ex Mediacorp colleagues. Looking so forward to another round of catching up session.
Oh.. hope I get better by then.
Taking things easy…