Here goes… another piece of my ranting..
Sometimes life really sucked right? Correction, I think I meant
human nature. It sucked. Or people that are close to you, or peeps whom you come into contact with daily, they never fails to irritate you or make you upset at times?
The world doesn’t revolve around a single person, and im glad it does not. But on a different note, us, humans are the one who messed up the universe. I just hope there isn’t so much condemning, bitching and politics going on. I know, we dont live in a Teletubby wonderland and im not saying that im the truth, but I can recognized a certain pattern or behaviour that totally turns me off. They say humanz are born selfish. This I couldn’t agree more. We fight for ourselves, and then our family and love ones, and then friends, and then etc etc…. ultimately, there isn’t a win win situation in this fallen world. We are always on the look out for our best interests. Then followed by others. We are so quick to judge and condemn and formed alliances.. refusing to give the ones different from us a chance. Homogeneous group are sometimes so boring. Don’t you think so?
Im really digressing.. but I don’t know why I feel a certain doom for the generations of this era. Maybe this is really god’s ultimate plan? Allowing the ugly side of humanz to dominate and then ruin us once and for all. Selfishness is a monster that has a permanent passport to our hearts. Maybe its just my own disappointment. The most problematic equation on this earth is human relations.
And I am not amazed.