Happy Birthday RG!!

I sprung a surprise on the Bday Gal :) Ya, i like gals also ;p
can you believed that all these pretty ladies are married..??
except for me and a long dark hair gal behind [2nd from left, back row]
hmmm, something's wrong with me? i wonder. ;p
Leaving for phuket tmr and i still havent pack my stuff. Grrrrr... Beri tired these days that all i wanna do is sleep. know what? i think i need a good holiday, of jus Lazing [though i hvnt been working v hard lately] hahaz. Travelling are sometimes very tiring you know? Not that i'm complaining lah. Nxt week am preparing for my sis wedding.. then i'm taking 2 days leave for 5 days rest :) sounds great right?
wanna join me? :)
p/s: RG only 23... got a 4 yr old gal liao. Fast!