Instead of a snow globe.. i got a world globe!!!
hahaha! [rollz on floor laughing]
You can imagine the puzzled look on my face..
and i think my head also has question marks growing out of them!
No, i dont mean to laugh at you.. but this humour i will always remember.
I know it was unintentional.
Everytime i looked at the world globe on my cabinet, i just feel like smiling.
okayyy, now i will always remember that it is call a waterball. :)
Wee wee sms me yesterday and say that she had bought the My Girl dvd for me, as a gift. I have been searching high & low for it in the wrong places, and she remembers when i only briefly mentioned before. ahh... how sweet is that. Big hugz for that gal. Lotsa dinner appointment coming up this week.. post birthday celebrations. Man.. im gonna put on weight! but I'm so not complaining!
Gotten in touch with the new friends that i have made during the mission trip, Bangkok, Mae sot, Melbourne... its really cool to hear from them and catch up and each others' lives. You know, i always treasure friendships.
Ah.. Life is sweet.