The talk at the lunch woke me up abit from my nonsense.
Maybe I wil start to be nice, not be so willful. Though im everything the horoscope said I am. Spiteful, stingy n very venomous when provoked.
How on earth did they see through us Scorpios so easily? Damn.
There a company dinner tonight, and shite I forgot my camera again.
But then again, the handsomest guy in our office not around also.
He is from Korea & believed me, he has six pacs under those tall n lean body.
Don’t ask me how I know. ;p
Been having dreams to visit south Korea, will it realize in 2007?
And when I surf those the flickr photos on South Korea.. I really fell in love with that place. Will language be a barrier? If I had a choice, I do want to settle down there for a while. Work, teach, anything that goes. Get in touch with a different culture, people, language. Marry a korean, but no kids lah.
I guess I suit a nomad’s life. This is my heart song. :)