So many things to do; so little time. sOMe quick updates incase my memory fail me again. Yes this is my blog & it serves as my memories!
Friday – went fine dining at
OSO restaurant. Its quite a good experience, and frankly the food is solid good! We had cold cuts + our main. But they also served us like a small forkful of appetizer + 3 types of bread. The other fine dining time I tried before was at Westin [now Swiss’otel], and believed it or not, My Humble House [Chinese Fine Dining]. I totally appreciate how they served small portions but there were many dishes and I declare myself to be very full after the meal. Yupz, told you I’m a small eater!
Visited Scarlett Hotel’s Breeze roof top for a drink. Wanted scenic seats but all those were designated for smoking areas. Com’on, I feel so discriminized. The night was casual and took lotsa stupid photos to entertain ourselves.
Sat – went to have tea break at this Hong Kong Tea House at Marina Square [where I ordered chicken chop! Siao bo]. Then we also shared the mango ice which was fabulous! Must try! The décor is surprisingly very cheena [with the Bin Ma Yong] and poet’s drawing on the walls. But the lightings were vibrant and seats were comfy. After some not serious shopping, we went to Oilo Dome at Suntec to chill out with tea n drinks n cake. We sang birthday in advance for birthday gal. I received an unexpected birthday pressie! Haha it’s a nice mini handbag in funky green, very shu nu [demure]. Then off to vivo city for a drink! Ended the night with supper at Crystal Jade. Went to bed with a full stomach, and happy heart.
Recently, I’m pretty happy again. I got my snow globe!! Sweet~
November is the greatest month!
I havent stop counting the blessings yet..