Gotta buy gifts, wrap them, write cards.. another round of last minute rush again. & to be frank, I'm not exactly the best wrapper on earth. Or shall i say, i'm one of the wOrst ;p I remember always telling myself to buy pressies early for Christmas, in the end, its always a mad rush. A mad mad rush.
Friday’s coy dinner @ Turf club was a lot of fun! We were whisked into a VIP function room.. whereby we can see the live horse races from the Gallery view. Imagine rich tai tai & filthy loaded business man. Had a ball of a time, drinking free flow red wine and the mood was relaxed. Colleague got quite drunk [shan’t mention names] and went into the bar to pretend to be a bar tender.. laugh until we flipped.
Then we proceed to second round at Thumpers. Crowded there, and I don’t really like that place as the dance floor is too small! Squeezy and small.. I can only dance on my 2cm by 2cm space.. haizz. Quite a fun night, should do this more often! But hey, why does the faces in the club look so stoned, some blank, and mostly, they looked meaningless. I still prefer life band @ Balaclava anytime. Unless I got khakis to dance whole night!! I can also assure you that, gals who got drunk and make a fool of themselves, is still, by my standard, so Uncool. But all is in the name of FUN! Chill :)