SeEking my Polaris
am i good enOugh?
am i ever good enough?
am i even good enough for this life?
this day.. when your security line broke..
you crushed out of your normal positive self
and you continue to choose to get welled up in the self-pity trap.
your life.. spinning in circles.. blurring
swallowing you up.
you, standing at the brink..
decides that there is nothing you can do;
except to walk away.
why are you downcast O' my soul...?
Labels: Drifts, ToUgh Life
SchOol Holis

i love pirates of the carribean - at world's end!
it was really entertaining and well.. i totally dig this fantasy kinda show.
erm.. well you dont get that kind of happening in everyday life, do you?
& when Chow yun-fatt announced the famous line: 'Welcome to Singapore!'
the jOker beside me shouted very loudy 'woo hooo!!' that set the whole cinema laughing...!
i took a day off today, and brought my lil niece to library, then to macs.
i guess, its simple way of living life that makes one so at peace and at home w oneself.
im looking for directions in life and yet i know it cant be hurried..
its only through the constant experiencing and tasting of life..
that makes me a fuller person.
Heading to KL over the long holiday.
cant wait to feel the cool chill of Genting highlands as well!
& then its to Malacca for my church retreat. woo hoo!~
I dont know a soul who's not been battered
Dont have a friend who feels at ease
Dont know a dream thats not been shattered
Or driven to its knee
I'm Sorry Lord for the things I have made it...
Book read:
How Did I Get Here? - Barbara De Angelis
Labels: Drifts, Holidayz, Movies
Lazy Fri
Lunch mates has increased to 5, 6, 7 people recently.
And today there are 9 people altogether.
Seriously I stil don’t fancy a big crowd w superficial relationship…
I guess im not that good at putting up a PR show.
I been clearing some old emails lately.. and I really miss the times I had at my last company. The people and friends I made there are simply great & enjoyable folks to be with. We stil keep in contact though meet up is restricted to once a month, or even less.
These people have spent countless moment of stress, fun, laughter and tears with me.
I really miss them.. you know who you are!
Is it time to move on already? I really hope to change industry.
This place is too good for marriage + family planning, its not my cup of tea.
p/s: did you hear the news about the tornado across kallang river today? Amazing.
I hope that before anything happens to Singapore island.. [could it be due to the fact that the people in white has been getting too tyranny lately?]
we can be on talking terms again. Chill.
Labels: Friends, wOrk
R U a vicky?
LOVE has its own time, season and reason.
You can't ask for it to stay.
You can only embrace it when it comes.
And be glad that for a moment in your life, it was
YOURS.for a moment in my fleeting imagination, i thought things gonna turnout differently. Alas, it wasn’t to be so.
Some people grabbed so hard at things in their life.. and refused to let go.
They start blaming people for all that had happened..
And waste their energy to conjour ideas and imagination in their
minds of how to get even.
They screamed ‘Because of what you have done to me that ended me in this state!’
We call these people Vicky.. because they like to self victimised.
Some people prefer to take responsibility for their own actions.
Whatever that doesn’t go right, they take the effort to correct them
And do better next time.
They don’t wasn’t time scheming against other people.
Human stress is really overwhelming, lets not kill each other over trival.
We call these people, Happy go Lucky.
Book Read:
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Catch Him & Keep Him by Chris Carter
I simply love to explore more about my inner self.
Labels: Drifts, Rants

so the king asked me,
"Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill?
This can be nothing but sadness of heart."

Went to this pretty nice and affordable resturant along Purvis Street.
The potato salad is a must try and its presentation is really nice!
I had the ribeye steak which is delicious... I WLD SAY 3.8/5
VERY VALUE for money as the ambience is of fine dining.
The bottle of premium wine only costs $36. Had a good time chilling.
On 4 sunday Mornings, i went to take care of the kids at sunday school
i know, i know.. its very unlike me.
they are aged 3 to 6. so we call them Hope tots 2.

As you can see from little melvin's face.. some of them are stil quite blur when they come for the classes.. and some can be cranky as well. Melvin is a pair of twins.. and his little bro is so damn cute. I made friends with the gals pretty fast and started chit chatting with them about barbie dolls + winz club and showed them my heartshaped necklace which they adOre. yeah, being able to speak their language is very important i learnt!
We had the real naughty ones.. like the one in red below.. he likes to call people names, including stupid, da bian, and i often scold him. i think he is looking for attention all the time. this is game playing time where the gals are pit against the boys... and gals are always more organised and always win them hands down! gal power.

yes.. you can guess as much. in the end i was dog tired after 2 hours of looking after them.. and you can pretty imagine me lying motionlessly on the floor as well!

Labels: Church, Drifts, Food
Labels: Drifts
left eye isnt doing very well still after lasik.
The cornea didnt healed evenly on the surface.. thats what the doc says.
so im seeing blurness constantly.
Its giving me a huge headache everytime.
Can i use this as an excuse and
not come to work?
Gonna have to go for enhancement operations...
Labels: LASIK 2007
Some creepy people just do not understand the meaning of
'i need some space'..
Constant calling isnt going to help really..
since your voice is the last noise
that i would like to hear right now.
Asking me to meet up isnt going to help...
since you are the last person that i would like to see right now.
please stop intruding my life.
Yes, your lousy jokes isnt funny anymore
and i do not know how to appreciate them.
I have seen past your self-centred ego brewing manners.
You dont have the ability to hurt or disappoint me from now on.
Yes, i am quite incapable of being mean or evil towards you.. BUT
Things have changed, and i would really like to be able to
move on from here. Will you respect that?
Labels: Friends, Rants
Yes I am eh… total sucker for gentleman kindness.
Erm.. and I mean totally.
A new korean [too bad, married] guy in office who opens car door for you,
operates the lift buttons, wait for you on escalator,
looks after table when all go to buy food, offered to buy & refused to collect payment for drinks, and make sure you are not the last one walking behind…
Lunch has been really enjoyable lately :)
Will the Singaporean guys please stand up?
No, we are not looking for a Casanova, but someone who does all these because
he respects women and loves us species?
Angel has been exceptionally sweet lately. well, no, I don’t think he has fidelity issues.
It just he has beginning to understand that my love language is ‘Quality Time’.
I'm beginning to feel more love.. more TLC from him.
Yeah, let’s hope this is not a tint of rainbow at the far corner of sky.
I hate to become all clingy and emotional dependent on him again!
Labels: Love, wOrk
Krabi Fotos!! haha...

yeh~ everyOne say cheese... ignore the killing going on behind pls
TMD! Why You Slap Me?
KICK you till you cry!!
2 vainpots on the road... Krabi very hot leh!!
i think i could make believe that this trip is quite enjoyable. Except for the insect bite that made my foot swelled like a pig's trotter! Yes im that casualty-prone so i wouldnt make a big deal out of it. At least we made some new friends and did some silly stuff.. so sad that my menses came and i couldnt drink, dance or go rafting.. haikz.. another time perhaps! :)
Thanks guys!
Labels: Holidayz, wOrk
baCk from krabi
PLAIN TIRED....i woke up this morning and i realised;that i dont want to live without you by my side...Labels: Drifts, Holidayz