SeEking my Polaris
Good times

cute baby niece~ 1 month plus le! spent cmas at my sis house, w delicious food & games & treasure hunt for all!

wah roaz.. how to make a poodle huh... its much easier than u think!

look at the tall hat, it took the master 2 hrs to make it! kudos to sis for going to NUH caroling w me :)

hee.. coy open house, brought my niece along and she enjoyed herself so much that she dont wanna leave.
Labels: Friends, Holidayz
merry little time :)
OMG~ its 3pm on christmas eve & im stil slogging in the office :(
i guess the whole world must be snoozing at hOme or rushing for last min shopping right now.
we had pot luck in office this year.. frankly i do miss my 99 and noel gang during
every years christmas.. we hv silly games and played guardian n angel that makes
christmas potluck so much more meaningful and interesting.
had meet up with a few group of friends of late.. stil a couple more to go.
frns frns frns.. if you no longer feel the same or hold the same care towards each other
isnt it better to let go, and let the frnship die a natural death?
whats the point of forcing one another?
Mian Qiang shi mei you xing fu de.
i do not mind giving, and not being reciprocated. i do not mind that sometimes
we allow people to take more than they should.
Nothin is life or death.. isnt it?
hmm.. abit reluctant to meet up again;
Outings became an obligations, rather than an enjoyment.
i lie there awake..
these few days were great! spent time w church mates preparing for
caroling stuff.. and learning balloon sculpting, juggling..
last sat, we went to NUH to bless the patients n kids alike.. wow
its indescribable.. seeing a smile across their sickly faces..
and it really took me alot of courage to walk into each ward,
and talk to them, sing to them. im the carol IC so i had to sorta make
introductions for our team.. so paisay. haa.
great stuff though!
Labels: Church, Drifts, Friends
So many things.. so little time
shoot. i spent almost $600 on spreeing online.
that is like averagely $200 per month!
starting my ABT exercise class again nx monday, after 1 month's break...
time to get those butts going again. hmm... i slimmed down quite abit after my
throat infection, n tsk tsk... no more gettin so sick again!
When i look at my calendar, I'm totally fully booked!
This Fri, meeting jess & soo
Sat, ktv w jean n gals
Sun, church n shopping
Nx tues, meeting wee wee & gals
Wed, Coy open house, & CG @ night
Thurs, Angel's bday celebration, yeah.
Fri, on leave to do last min shopping
Sat, Caroling at NUH [who wanna join me?!]
Sun, church @ suntec city...The ROCK
Nx nx Mon, Coy cmas celebration, prepare dessert.
[this always reminds me of the memorable milk yogurt dessert that jess prepared b4...
everyone's still talking abt it!]
I still hv to slot in a Family Cmas celebration, & gathering with sec sch frns.
woah~ i better treasure whatever time i hv at home to sleep...
and wrap pressies. haha.
keep it simple.
Labels: Friends, Rants, ToUgh Life
SMS Marathon

My latest niece... cute like a peach hor?
sighz.. now i hv a drive to go home each day just to carry her and
play with her.. like her very much cos she seldom cry n laugh whenever we talk to her..
smart BB!!
These are my birthday wishes thru sms!
*credit to Soo for givin the idea to record down in blog. ;p
Happy Belated Birthday! :) Sorry, remember ur birthday but forgot to sms u… me getting more n more forgetful these days.. Haha!
From a very pregnant Karine
Oops!! Its 10hrs pass ur birthday.. nevertheless.. still wan to wish u a Belated Happy Birthday!!
From the usual blurry Yiping
Halo, got the flowers yesterday?
From Chunli, the sender of 12 sexy pink roses w berries
Happy birthday sis. May the Lord brings u joy everyday of ur life :)
From Huina
Hi sis! Hope my bday wish is not 2late! Wishin u a joyous birthday! Indeed u r a year wiser in yr walk w the Lord! May u rec’ many sweet returns in ur yrs ahead! :)
Fr Lihua
Happy birthday sis. Hope u r enjoying yr lovely dinner now w damien n hope yr day was fruitful. Fr Sheep Joyce
Hey dear, Happy birthday to u! hope u enjoyed yrself these couple days with all the celebrations. May this coming year be a blessed one where u can do big things for God! Thanks for being around sis, *Hugz*
Fr Leyi
Blessed bday sista…
Fr Qianxing [shortest msg I rec’]
Dear the old days were gone and now come our future. I never forget today because its your birthday.
Fr Brian LimHi Shann, wishing u a happy birthday! Happy birthday to u, Happy birthday to u. Happy birthday to Shann, Happy birthday to u. kekeke….
Fr Robin Loh
Miss OO, wanna wish u HEI BI Birthday. May the joy of the Lord be your strength ;p
Fr Danny Liu
Happy bird-day missy
Fr Erebus Butler [I think similar msg was sent last year]
Happy birthday [insert cake icon] to u, Yi! May All ur dream come true! Enjoy tis special day. Best wishes from Qian [insert happy jumping icon]
Fr Liqian
Dear dear.. Working today? just wanna wish u Happy Birthday.. Hehe.. May all your wish come true and be as happy as ever.. J muakz.
From cute Elaine
Happy bdae! Called u but I tink u r bz. Lets go makan. When r u free?
From Jess Maidy [ya, I think I was having a celebration then]
“Sheng ri kuai le” Wo zhen xin de zhu fu no, yuan ni de yuan wang shi xian ! mong shen da da de ci fu! Fan shi dou you shen de dai ling. [insert mashimaro bday icon]
Fr Jasmin Loong
Happy birthday dearest Shan! May all ur heart desire come true! *hugz* ;)
Fr Shino san
Wanyi, zhu ni sheng ri meng en meng fu, ye shu ai ni :)
Fr auntie Qiu Xia
Hi babe, happy bday to ya ! may u always be so sweet and pretty.. And always loving God with every part of u! It’s my privilege to noe u my sis! Enjoy your day.
Fr Tricia, my mission trip mate
Happy Birthday!! Itzit today? Haha.. how old ar? 30?? Hee.. Enjoy yr birthday!!!
Fr Jimmy toh [boy who never grows up]
Happy birthday sis! May you enjoy your big day. :)
Fr Jennifer
Yo babe happy happy birthday. Have a great day ahead stay pretty always
Fr Vannesa
Happy Birthday Dar Dar
Fr Bronwen, dada
Hi sis, blessed Birtthday! Praise n thank God to see u thru these years in good n strive time. perserverance must finish its work so that u may be mature n complete.. :)
From Wanjun, ex CL
Dear sis, happy birthday to you. May you hv many wonderful things ahead of you & many happy returns.
From Grace Oo
Hey!! Happy birthday!! Tell me I am the 1st to welcome u to the club thirties!!
Fr Jessie [don’t remind me sista! ;p]
Today you’re one year older, today you’re one year wiser, today you’re one year stronger in your walk w e Lord. Happy birthday to u my sister, sheep n fren!
Fr Jean Tan, shepherd
MMS [insert montage of our photos taken today throughout the year]
I like this photos.. used it as wallpaper..Hope u like it too! Sweetdreams muakz.
Fr Shereen
Happy birthday gal! Hope you have a great time celebrating with Damien these two days.
Hope you like your present.
Fr Winnie, weewee [yes! I love it!]
Happy Birthday to u sister! Hope tat u hav great day of celebration w damien tmr :)
Fr Colin Por
MMS [insert montage photos of me blowing my bday cake last year]
Happy birthday to my dearest sis Shann Shann.. may u have a blessed birthday..
Aiks.. 30th liao hor.. New generation de.. ;p
Fr naughty Shereen [again, 2 MMS in a row, how abt that?!]
Happy birthday! Wishing you happiness always healthy always and many all your wishes come true :) Happy birthday!
Fr Charles
Hapi bithday sis, Wu wu wu..
Fr Alexis Oo [wu wu wu is our secret code… haha]
Dear yih daughter, happy birthday to u n have all best you wish for. By father. 20-11-07
Fr my Daddy Oo [all the way from china.. thanks for remembering dad!]
Thanks for adding a unique color in tis family n being such a blessing to us thru yr walk w God n growth in Him. May e coming yr b yet another yr of significance 4 u in ur journey w Christ! :)
Fr Kevin, my UL
May the love of God surround you. May his peace be all around you and may you day be blessed with everything that’s happiest.
Fr Stanley Ang
Plus the ecards..
Thank you all my friends for making my life memorable :) I love You all!
Labels: Drifts, Friends, ToUgh Life

Throat infection.. long time since i have been so siCk.
Fever @ 39 deg.
I guess im deeply affected by the funeral.. and i havent been sleeping well since.
Time will heal the scar, but it will not take away memories.
Angel has been taking care of me
& at times when i look at him, i know he is god's gift to me.
despite our many differences; we still stood by each other
a little secret that he dont know, if he had proposed to me
these 2 days again, i would hv said yes.
haha.. thats the power of sacrificial love.
it touched you and melt your heart!
Lookin forward to be well again..
and enjoying every moment of life.
yes, i want to be strongEr.
Labels: Love, ToUgh Life

went to collect my new ic today.. yeah, 30 already ma.
n i realised.. my friend will not have a chance to renew or collect hers..
i cried yest night and today again.. uncontrollably.
i cant imagine the cold, bloated body lying in the coffin is my friend,
an ex col whom has spent most lunchtime with me,
yakking about office politics; our frus at home; at relationships;
our dreams.. and longings.
failure of kidney, low blood cells, a failure ops that caused bateria infection.
the amount of suffering she must have been through!
the once bubbly gal.. lifeless, cold in a faraway land now.
irene, who's 30th bday is in Aug and @ that time already been diagnosed with Leukemia..
who will not have a chance to breathe this air i breathe again.
yet i vividly remembered all her peeves..
rest in peace my dear friend.. thanks for the support and friendship we shared.
thanks for the e-card that you bothered to pre set the date to send for my bday.
even though your hubby said, you have been in and out of ICU that period..
it pains me.. to see his slim frame.
i have never been to a friend's wake before; and my emo just let loose..
i secretly wish i will never have to go for one again.
goodbye irene. goodbye pain.